Royce White

Royce Alexander White / b. 1991 / Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA / Professional Athlete (Basketball), Mixed Martial Artist, Political Commentator, Author, Podcaster, US Senate Candidate

Note: Sources of the quotations have been provided where known; others presumably derive from White’s multiple online commentaries, interviews, and podcasts.


When 2000 people whack up a trillion dollars every single year, we see where the American taxpayer, not having $500 to put together in a crisis, is a real crime of taxation, a real crime of representation, a real misuse of military and defense and security, to make American citizens beg for economic tyranny.

The Big Neocon,” Please Call Me Crazy, Episode 122, October 31, 2023.

Helping Others

Take 30 seconds to encourage everyone you meet today. Everyone. Be genuine and transparent. And do it. Then do it tomorrow. Repeat.


Great leaders remove obstacles-including themselves.


The secret to failing isn’t failing; the secret to failing is failing forward.

Life is not “either or,” it’s “both and.”

If you don’t live in your strengths, you’ll die in your weaknesses. Do first and most what you’re good at, and bring others along who are good at your weaknesses.

You’ll never be great at anything you’re not passionate about.

Mental Health

Mental health is a human issue; it’s not a white issue, it’s not a black issue, it’s not a poor issue, it’s not a rich issue.

The way we deal with mental health in this country is, honestly, barbaric.

We have to be brave enough to confront the stigmas around mental health and mental illness. It’s not a weakness; it’s a strength to seek help and speak out.

I have an obligation to my people, to my community, to be a voice for the voiceless when it comes to mental health.

Mental health is just as important as physical health, and we need to start treating it that way.

Mental health should be a fundamental human right, not a privilege for those who can afford it.

Mental illness doesn’t discriminate. It doesn’t care if you’re an athlete, a doctor, or a janitor. It can affect anyone.

Military-Industrial Complex

And when you see it through that lens, you start to understand how people on both sides of the aisle, who are ideologically opposed in every other sense, find their way back to the middle of the row when it comes time to go to war. And so, when I go on Jason [Whitlock] or Fearless, or when I go on War Room with Steve Bannon, or when I go on InfoWars and I emphasize the military-industrial complex, this is why. Because despite all our cultural wedge issues, for some strange reason our politicians, who never really come together for any other premise, any other auspices other than military . . . military . . . and they’ll fence it as national defense, they’ll fence it as homeland security, they’ll fence it as national security, but really, I mean . . . it’s getting harder and harder to believe the whole narrative as things unfold.

The Big Neocon,” Please Call Me Crazy, Episode 122, October 31, 2023.

National Basketball Association (NBA)

The amount of NBA players with mental health disorders is way over 26 percent. My suggestion would be to ask [former NBA Commissioner] David Stern how many players in the league he thinks have a marijuana problem. Whatever number he gives you, that’s the number with mental illness. A chemical imbalance is a mental illness.

There’s a crisis of selling out. And what makes me most concerned is that as sports fans we seem not to understand there’s a crisis of selling out.

Interview, “Royce White: The Washington Post wants to call me a n******!,” Fearless with Jason Whitlock, Episode 197, April 28, 2022.

Please Call Me Crazy

I don’t do this for clicks, likes, money, etc. . . . I tell people how they’re being lied to and scammed. Which is so rare it sounds crazy! Hence the name—Please Call Me Crazy! We live in times where the lies start to sound like the truth and vice versa.



If you can’t change the status quo, make the status quo, change.

And what’s the deepest, deepest and ugliest, most dishonest part of the Neocon? The most ugliest part of the Neocon is, it’s not really conservative. It’s liberal.

The Big Neocon,” Please Call Me Crazy, Episode 122, October 31, 2023.

There are two main budget items that happen, that take place, that are funded every year that always make do. The military, which the Neocons run, and Medicaid-Medicare, which the socialist Democrats run. Uniparty. Always gotta make do. . . . The question is, the question should be in your mind, what does it say that the two parties, who control these two factions, intentionally use legislation to inflate the cost and then make you pay the inflated price? Where I’m from, that would be called “guerilla-pimping.” Where I’m from that would be called “guerilla dealing.”

The Big Neocon,” Please Call Me Crazy, Episode 122, October 31, 2023.


When no one is selfless in a relationship, there is war. When one is selfless, there is peace. When both are selfless, there is joy.

Royce on Royce

It is home. The Twin Cities are home and [Ames] is home. It’s definitely always a place that’s going to be very special to me.

He [former NBA Commissioner David Stern] told me basically I talked to your agent, stay off of Twitter. No. 1, that’s disrespectful and undermining, but No. 2, it showed that what was important was the face value of the brand and not the mental health problem.

Interview with Michael Dunlap, “Royce White’s Call For Accountability And Acknowledgement,”, June 17, 2016.

For the Washington Post to call me a white supremacist, a white nationalist, really what they want to say is: “You’re crazy.” So they should just come out and say it. They want to call me the “N” word, but they know that’d be a little far from their platform. And make no mistake about it, the Washington Post is a neoliberal, Marxist, globalist institution.

Interview, “Royce White: The Washington Post wants to call me a n******!,” Fearless with Jason Whitlock, Episode 197, April 28, 2022.

Here’s what I’ll say, to go back to this article [in the Washington Post] in the broadest sense. The biggest thing I had a problem with is that they said I led protests about police brutality. And that’s why I wore the vest here today [pointing to his bullet proof vest with the legend “Enemy”] ‘cause it’s the same vest I am wearing in the picture, and in the picture we are outside the Federal Reserve. They know that the protest I led was about corporatocracy, which they are in on, 150%. And they still want to try and make it seem like police brutality was the central focus of the protest I led. Why? Because they want to disenfranchise me to the base who they say I’m just pandering to, when really I’m trying to clarify these things for the Republican Party as well. Because there is a Uniparty. There is a two-party Uniparty in our country.

Interview, “Royce White: The Washington Post wants to call me a n******!,” Fearless with Jason Whitlock, Episode 197, April 28, 2022.

I never supported BLM. I went into . . . I did what many Republicans have forgotten to do, have lost a sense of. Ministry. Ministry. . . . And the reason why we’ve lost this country is because Republicans have not made it a priority to go back into the inner cities and clean up the narrative that they are not racists.

Interview, “Royce White: The Washington Post wants to call me a n******!,” Fearless with Jason Whitlock, Episode 197, April 28, 2022.

I’m not afraid to go into the heart of the north side of Minneapolis where crime is the worst and say “You’ve been lied to.” That’s why they’re afraid of me. Because they know I’m not afraid, like some of my other Republican counterparts, to go into these places that have been abandoned by the genuine conservative, nationalist, American platform and movement and candidates. That’s why they’re attacking me.

Interview, “Royce White: The Washington Post wants to call me a n******!,” Fearless with Jason Whitlock, Episode 197, April 28, 2022.

I don’t like being called a white nationalist by white liberals.

Interview, “Royce White: The Washington Post wants to call me a n******!,” Fearless with Jason Whitlock, Episode 197, April 28, 2022.

If I wanted to just make money, I would’ve kept my mouth shut and still been in the NBA today.

Interview, “Royce White: The Washington Post wants to call me a n******!,” Fearless with Jason Whitlock, Episode 197, April 28, 2022.


We learn to trust man when he does what we expect him to do; we learn to trust God when He doesn’t do what we expect Him to do.